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The Adirondack High Peaks, February 1998 (Roll Two)

Photos from our trip to the Adirondack High Peaks, February 1998.  Itinerary: Johns Brook to the Shorey Short Cut, camp  right around 4,000 feet, and peak trips to Basin and Haystack.   Crew:  Barri Brown,  Douglas Hurbon, Rollie Wesen.

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 Thumbnails Description

Barri going up Basin

Barri going up Basin

Barri still going up Basin

Near the peak of Basin

Doug, Rollie and Barri


Where are the trail markers?

A wee bit steep

Much blowdown

Happy Doug at the tent


"Should we tie the tree so it won't hit the tent?"

Cooking snow

Drinking warm Gatorade

Doug tries out Rol's glacier glasses

Melting snow

Dehydrate away!

The famous Bandito Scramble? Don't ask

Doug in a North Face ad

Eggies for Dougie


Adirondacks  (Roll One)

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